August 19, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

This post is just for dog lovers. If they are like me, they like to see cute pictures of other people’s dogs as much as their own, so here are a few photos of the dogs I’ve spent time with this summer.

Starting with the cutest of them all of course:


Our friends’ dog named Jorja (Shih Tzu):


One of Bella’s playmates that live in the apartment complex is Joe (Cocker Spaniel):


This is Sam and Annie. Bella hasn’t been able to play with them yet, but I like playing with them when I am visiting my friend (Dachshunds):


David and I had the pleasure of taking care of a friend’s dogs for a few weeks: Orion, Hera and Letto (Pit bulls):


This is Sammy, one of my favorite dogs in the apartment complex (Jack Russell Terrier):


I think this cute puppy’s name is Gracie. I’ve not had opportunity to play with many puppies, they are cute! (Beagle)


Ok, back to Bella, this one is just too cute :)


This is Winston. Beth Anne’s dog. He’s a charmer, and good friends with Bella (Mutt):


And just today Bella was able to play with Bruster, Joe and Trixie:


Bella is one content dog!


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Things we have been up to this Summer (Part 2)

The biggest part of my summer has been taken up by loving on, and building a friendship with a gal in our new Bible study.

Beth Anne was pregnant and having a really rough time of it. Gall stones on top of other issues. She was in a lot of pain, and on a lot of pain meds take the pain away. The doctors wanted to wait with an operation until after the baby was born. Beth needed someone to stay with her while her hubby was in class, so she wouldn’t have to worry about falling asleep while watching her 4 year old.

Aydens truck

Ayden is a typical 4 year old bundle of energy! His favorite thing to do is play outside, so we would go out as much as possible.

Bed cuddles

When I wasn’t playing outside with Ayden I was usually in bed with Beth and our two dogs. That was my favorite part, just talking with Beth. It was very relaxing.

beth hospital

After weeks of just managing pain, living in bed, and eating a very strict diet, the pain was unbearable, and I took Beth to the hospital to get things checked out, again. What an afternoon that was! Beth learned a LOT. The biggest thing she learned is that half of the pain she was feeling wasn’t the gall stones, but were contractions! This was a turning point for Beth. The next time I visited her after this hospital visit, she was night and day different. From being in bed and grumpy about pain, she was up and making supper for her family and smiling! It was great to see!

baby michiah

Unfortunately, she had to wait through another couple weeks of contractions before baby Michah decided to show up. But show up he did!

ayden water

Ayden loves his brother! (and is still a 4 year old bundle of boy energy!)


And Beth is better and smiling. Although she has had a rough couple of weeks since the delivery. Thankfully her dad was here to help out. She had surgery and the road to recovery had a few complications, but she is back to smiling again today. And I look forward to becoming great friends with the “new” Beth Anne! :) (Love You Beth!)

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August 15, 2011

Things we have been up to this Summer (Part 1)

I had a fantastic time at the Spoon Carver’s Gathering, and I think David did too. I was one of the demonstrators this year, and had a lot of fun being a bit more involved. Usually I get pretty shy and like to do a lot of watching, but it was kind of hard to stay behind the scenes when people come up and ask me questions about what I’m going to be talking about, etc. It was good for me :)


(David took photos of me during the demonstration.)

I throughly enjoy looking at other people’s spoons. Every time I get home from a Gathering, I pour over my photos and wish I had taken more so I could get more details of the spoons. Here are a few of my favorites.


(Photo by Ron, MVAS Director) These are by Jarrod. I am pleased to say that I bought two bowls and a plate from him this year, and David and I love them. If you want to read more about them, check out Jar of Wood.


Work by Tom

Mary Lynn

Work by Mary Lynn


Work by Karen


Work by Rich


Work by Ben


Harley Refsal was another of the demonstrators. He spent time talking about the history of the Scandinavian spoon. I love hearing about the back ground of wood spoons. It gives carving more depth.

Bowl turning

This photo is actually from last years Gathering, I didn’t get as good of a photo this year, and if I am correct, David took this one. Jarrod was another demonstrator again this year, and demonstrated bowl carving. I really enjoy his work.


One of my favorite parts of the Gathering, besides coming home remotivated and excited about carving, is the relaxed atmosphere and fellowship of people with similar interests. If you are a spoon carver, come join us next year! First weekend in June. Milan, Minnesota.

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June 08, 2011

A Massive Catch-Up

It’s not for lack of activity that I haven’t been updating our web site. It’s been a crazy spring for us. Here is a little bit of why:

Less than two weeks after I arrived home from Grammie’s Funeral, David and I drove to:


To join my family to work with Christian Reformed World Relief Committee’s (CRWRC) Disaster Response Services (DRS). My parents help DRS twice a year or more, and love it and wanted us to join them for a week. We worked for a week getting a new house ready for a woman and her children.


David spent the whole week figuring out the electrical stuff for the house.


I helped paint.


We defiantly enjoyed the warm weather!


Loved visiting Jon and Eryn, even though it was brief.


And got a fly by Visit with Lynda!!!!


After we returned home, I should have been quick to share photos and all that, but quite frankly, I was tired, and pregnant. So I didn’t do a whole lot of anything.

Unfortunately we had another miscarriage. Not just a miscarriage, but a long, drawn-out affair that might have included twins. We didn’t talk about it much, because I didn’t want the attention and sympathy. But God! Is good and I am healing emotionally too.

I turned my new energy into usefulness and cleaned out our guest room.


And spring brought me into gardening. I found out that our stair landing gets an extra 2-3 hours of sun, so I’ve planted tomatoes down there as well a few other things.


I also spent a month and a half finishing up old spoons and making a new batch.


We spent a week and a half taking care of a friends dogs. That was an adventure, but I love them!


And this past weekend was the Annual Spoon Carver’s Gathering. It was a blast!


To see more photos of the Spoon Carver’s Gathering check them out on Jar of Wood

Also, for those of you that are interested, I am keeping a some what daily photo blog here.

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February 06, 2011

My Grammie

Grammie and cards

My Grammie died almost two weeks ago. It was quick, and quiet, and unexpected.

Grammie and me

Grammie and I had a little bit of a special relationship as I lived close for two years before I got married and became her cleaning girl.


David and I were also there for 5 months after we were married waiting for my visa to go to the states, and during that time Grampie’s health was rapidly declining due to lung cancer and he died a month before David and I moved to the States.

grampie wedding

It was hard leaving Grammie behind and we made a point of spending a lot of time with her every time we were back in New Brunswick.


I am so glad for Grammie that she died quickly and quietly. Now she is with Jesus and Grampie and she is happier than she has ever been.


I went home last Wednesday to be with my family and share this time together. David ended up joining us on Friday, making our family complete (all 17 members of my family home!


Add another 60 or so and you get an idea of how large my Grammie’s family is.) (Photo from Grammie’s 85th birthday party last May.)



We had two days of visitations at the funeral home, and the funeral was on Saturday.


Sunday we had a large family party at my parent’s house.


David left Monday and I stayed until Friday.


I was supposed to leave on Wednesday, but the storm kept me home another two days (I was flying through Chicago).

I am glad I could go home and be with family. It was nice to spend extra time with Mom too, helping her go through a few of Grammie’s things.


And now, I’m glad to be home again with David and Bella. :-D


Grammie, Safe in the arms of Jesus!

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January 24, 2011

Knife Making Class

This past weekend I had another opportunity to take a class at Milan Village Art School in Milan, MN. Last year I took a Figure carving class and a spoon carving class. This year I decided I wanted to make my own knife. I want a good knife about me for general purpose and I don’t want to ruin my carving knives.

I took the Beginning Norwegian Knife Making Class with Jon as the instructor, and Robin as his assistant. Robin and Jon

Making the actual knife was not difficult at all. Most people used the disc sanders to shape their handles, I decided to carve mine since that is what I am most familiar with. I didn’t take any photos of the process, I was having too much fun getting the handle shaped well to my hand.

Rita and Knife

We were able to shape, sand, and oil our knives in the first day! (We did not make the blade.)

my Knife

The second day, Saturday, we worked on making a sheath to fit our knives perfectly.

Sewing the sheath together was my favorite part. Straight forward and rather relaxing. (No, our leather was not from Tandy)


I was a bit stuck when it came to decorating the sheath. By that time my energy and creative levels were draining. I knew what I wanted, but wasn’t able to make myself do it. Jon came to my rescue and did most of the decorating for me. I love the result! I just added a little touch to pull it all together.

We left the knives in their sheaths over night to let the leather dry well and in shape to the knives.

Sunday was spent in staining the sheath. I had a hard time figuring out what colour to stain it. I didn’t want it to clash with my only nice belt.

knife and sheath

In the end, I am pleased with the whole thing!

wearing knife

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© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle