Wedding Highlights

Engagment - Thistle

Mom took this picture for us the Saturday after we were engaged. She did a good job and it probably is the best engagement picture we have!

Civil Ceremony—September 22, 2003

Because I am from Canada and David is from the United States, we thought we would get a jump on our visa papers for me by getting married a few months before we really wanted to get married. That way when our wedding in May came, Lord willing, I could go straight to the states with David afterwards. It did give us a jump, but we were still in Canada for 5 months after our May wedding waiting for the rest of the paper work to be done.


I know that Grampie isn’ the only person in this picture, but this is the best picture of Grampie from the day!

Bride and Parents

Prayer for Blessing

Do you…? (Again)

I still will!

I love you!

Signing “Certificate”

Since David and I already signed our legal papers 8 months before, we make up a fake one to commemoriate this day too. Also, Debbie was a little dissappointed she wasn’t able to sign the real papers with us, so we did this for her. To show she was an important part of our wedding too.

Hallelujah Chorus—by David And Jon

Funny Story: There was a bit of a breeze this day, and although Jon thought they had better pin up the sheet music, David thought it would be ok if they didn’t. OOPS! They struggled to keep playing the song, often with one hand, while holding down the music. Until Frank and Kevin decided it was better to get in the way and pin it up for them rather than to loose the music all together :) It was quite humorous! :)

Our First Kiss!!!

Funny Story: Debbie, oh descrete one that she is, was worried the Pastor was going to forget to let us kiss (it was supposed to happen before they boys played their Trumpets, but didn’t) That she asked me just loud enough for me, and the Pastor, to hear, “Did he forget the kiss?!?” :) He remembered! ;)

Receiving Line—Receiving lots of hugs!


This was when it started to hit me that I just got married, for “real” this time. The ceremony was a bit of a daze, it started to sink in that today was my wedding day when everyone was telling me that I looked beautiful and they loved the ceremony. The rest of the day was even more wonderful!

Flowing Dress

I really like this picture. I think the dress looks pretty here :)


The New Hjelle Family

New Van Oord Family

Wedding Party

What coolio Siblings we have!

Yeah, they love each other


No, this isn’t the traditional “newlywed dance.” In fact, it wasn’t planned at all. The music was just so much fun that we couldn’t help ourselves! *Wonderful!*


The Official Reception

The music was so good that the original reception (that Debbie was a big part of planning) was pushed back a bit. Here the Van Oord family is singing “Welcome to the Family” to David. What a great family!

The Other Van Oord’s :)

Take me away Romeo!

Living on the river gave us a great opportunity to make a more unique getaway. We traveled from our dock to the hotel a mile away. David and I got pretty wet on the way. The water looks calm here, but closer to the hotel it was rather choppy!


© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle