February 06, 2011

My Grammie

Grammie and cards

My Grammie died almost two weeks ago. It was quick, and quiet, and unexpected.

Grammie and me

Grammie and I had a little bit of a special relationship as I lived close for two years before I got married and became her cleaning girl.


David and I were also there for 5 months after we were married waiting for my visa to go to the states, and during that time Grampie’s health was rapidly declining due to lung cancer and he died a month before David and I moved to the States.

grampie wedding

It was hard leaving Grammie behind and we made a point of spending a lot of time with her every time we were back in New Brunswick.


I am so glad for Grammie that she died quickly and quietly. Now she is with Jesus and Grampie and she is happier than she has ever been.


I went home last Wednesday to be with my family and share this time together. David ended up joining us on Friday, making our family complete (all 17 members of my family home!


Add another 60 or so and you get an idea of how large my Grammie’s family is.) (Photo from Grammie’s 85th birthday party last May.)



We had two days of visitations at the funeral home, and the funeral was on Saturday.


Sunday we had a large family party at my parent’s house.


David left Monday and I stayed until Friday.


I was supposed to leave on Wednesday, but the storm kept me home another two days (I was flying through Chicago).

I am glad I could go home and be with family. It was nice to spend extra time with Mom too, helping her go through a few of Grammie’s things.


And now, I’m glad to be home again with David and Bella. :-D


Grammie, Safe in the arms of Jesus!

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