September 15, 2009
Since we just moved, I am sure you would like to hear more about how we are doing now that we are in West Fargo, instead of seeing photos from weeks ago, as nice as they are. So, here is a little post to share how we are doing today.
You have seen the photos of our apartment, and if you haven’t check about 5 posts back. I still love it here. I am amazed at how much God has provided for us in this apartment. I love the space. We have: room and light for plants, our books almost all on one wall, ‘office’ space for both our desks, a kitchen with room for the table in the same area, a guest room that will fit guests, and a bed room where we are not tripping over each other!
We are also just a bike ride away from the grocery store, hardware store, library, department stores, pet store. Everything we need is close enough that it’s ok if David takes the car to work and I need to get some food. It is great!
David is enjoying his work. His only frustration is that he doesn’t know everything yet. That he is still learning and not being as productive as he wishes.
My perspective of David’s work: he is so much more relaxed!! After being married for 5 years and having him come home stressed so often, it is so nice that he comes home tired, but not stressed. Such a difference!
He enjoys going to work and enjoys the people that he works with. God is so good!
My work. I started carving again last week. Slowly. I’ve been on a break since May because of trouble with my thumb. The trouble hasn’t gone away, so I will take is more slowly but keep carving.
I’ve also been balancing my carving time with keeping the apartment nice. By the time we left the trailer in NY it was always a mess. Even when I cleaned it was still a mess. I hope to keep on top of it better now that we are starting over.
David did a bit of church research on the internet before we came to Fargo, and while he was here for his interview he visited the top churches on his list.
For the past two weeks we have been attending Bethel Evangelical Free Church and we really like it. This past Sunday we joined a Sunday school and we really look forward to getting to know the others in the class.
David has left the past two weeks almost overwhelmed with peace and gladness for the work he sees God doing in this church. We are really glad we can be apart of it.
We hope to join a Growth Group soon. I will be going to the Ladies Bible study on Thursday morning and David hopes to join the orchestra tomorrow night.
I am still on the hunt for a dog, but because I will be taking a road trip to Montana in a few weeks, we are waiting until I get back to do serious hunting.
God is so good. We have hit a few snags of course. The apartment is heavy with stale smoke smells that give me a headache, as well as the smoke the comes in the window from the neighbours. I have been a bit needy here and there, but all in all, it is very good to be here. God is So good to us, we are glad to be here!
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