December 22, 2009
Well, it might not be as exciting as the last one, but it has been quietly stressful for me the past two nights and a day.
Sunday night I was getting ready for bed, late because I was finishing an excellent book, and I needed to do a quick set change with my pump. Not a big deal, I have to do it every three days anyway. But this time, as I was priming the pump it started doing it’s vibrating thing when it shouldn’t. I looked on the screen and saw “A33” I pushed a button, and it flashed at me. Hmmm… this is interesting.
After a bit of fiddling I realized that the pump was stuck in a rewind/prime loop because of this “A33.” I dug out the manual to find out what “A33” was. The manual simpily said that it was an Alarm. (Well, that is good information, kind of…) The number, 33, indicated what kind of alarm it was, but the book doesn’t share all those details.
So, I called Medtronic’s 24 hour help line. I am so very glad for that line! (Although they just changed the number on me and the recording told me to look at my recent mailings for the new number. But I don’t have a recent mailing with a new number! I did find it online though. )
Long and the short of it… I was about to go through a pump users biggest fear, being pump-less because of a pump malfunction. I’ve been using a pump for almost 4 years now, and for the past 4 years my pump has nicely done all my thinking for me. I barely remember how to take a needle to get insulin, let alone figure out how much to take!
David got up for me, just before midnight, to see if he could find a way to get the information off my pump so I could guess at how much insulin to take to keep me well until morning. It didn’t work because the alarm on my pump was also blocking any ability to get information off of it. So I had to wing it.
For the past 34 hours I have been “winging it.” And doing a pretty good job if I say so myself. But it was stressful. I was busy making sure I had put insulin in me at least every 4 hours, so I wouldn’t have any ketone trouble like I had a few weeks ago. I also forgot how to treat a low. I mean, how much sugar do you take when you don’t have the option to shut the insulin off at the same time? So I stayed close to home, did little exercise, and a lot of eating.
This morning the UPS guy delivered my replacement pump. It is set up and attached, and I can’t tell you how relieved I am! It’s familiar. I’m used to constantly thinking about my pump: where it is, where to attach it, what to do with it while I am changing clothes or showering. I am glad I have it back to do my thinking for me. I don’t have to worry about getting out a syringe and vial every time I want a little snack, I can just push a button or two. I don’t have to eat if I don’t want to and I can eat if I do want to. It’s a lot easier on the brain. I am glad to have it back!
Me and my pump, just about 4 years ago when we first got it.)
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