November 18, 2009
Today was an unusual day for me and Bella. It was another day of “Firsts.”
We went for our usual walk, but took it at noon today. I thought we should stop by the fenced area to see if there were any other dogs out that she could play with. Just as we were approaching the fence, another resident was bringing her two dogs out too. After asking if it was ok for Bella to join them. I let Bella play.
It was the roughest play I’ve seen Bella in yet!
David and I are rather quiet people at home, and Bella has been rather shy of other dogs and people since we got her. I knew she was getting better with dogs, and I’ve been enjoying seeing it happen. Today was another level all together. She was running around, rolling around, getting her ear bitten and pulled, and she just kept going back for more. So I let her.
After all that play, she walked almost perfectly for the next 45 minutes for me! I thought she must be exhausted because by the end she was walking so well she was either beside me or behind me the last block. Very unusual for her!
Well, she isn’t as tired as I thought…
I guess the rough housing was stimulating enough that she wasn’t ready to settle down when we got home. She went to attack her canvas roll toy and made a mess all over the living room!
That wasn’t enough, then she decided to attack her rope, but I really think it was the camera flash that made her decide that playing with her roll wasn’t worth it…
In Christ,
Rita :)
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November 13, 2009
We have been living here now for just over two months, and life has been settling nicely into routine and activities.
David is still enjoying work a lot, and hopes to tell you about it soon, soon being relative. :) He has also joined the orchestra at church, Bethel E Free. Right now they are working on the Christmas Musical called Christmas in the Red.
(Photo of David playing with the Bethel Grove Church Quartet, in Upstate NY, while camping with the church.)
David has also been spending a quite a bit of time working on a web page for a friend: Alyssa Jeanne Studios Check it out! He has done a great job with it! It is still under construction…
I’ve been keeping myself busy with a lot of little things here and there. Besides taking care of Bella and walking with her everyday I have been going to church with David Wednesday nights to knit or crochet while David plays trumpet.
My first knit project finished!! I started it in January or February and picked it up again since I got here. I love the colours.
I just finished this blanket this morning! My first crochet project in a year or two I think.
On Thursday mornings I bring David to work, then head to church to help make coffee for Women’s Bible Studies. I’ve been going to a class working through The Truth Project I’ve been enjoying it a lot. It gives me a lot of stuff to think about.
I’ve been carving again. This past weekend we went to David’s parents’ for the weekend and I spent a few hours cutting out spoon blanks enough to keep me busy all winter.
I also took a few hours to work on a shawl pin for one of the knitters from Wednesday night.
I used a piece of goncalo alves wood that I had left over from a spoon. The colour matches the shawl very nicely.
I have a set of spoons finished as of last week too, but have yet to take a photo of them.
A last photo of Bella, from our walk the other day. The weather here has been beautiful! And incase you were curious, and didn’t see my added comment to my last post, Bella DOES like wearing her shirts. When it’s cold out and I give her the option she tried to dive into it! It’s quiet amusing.
Oh, and I forgot to add, the for the next 5 weeks, David and I are attending Dog Obedience classes with Bella at Red River North Obedience.
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© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle