April 03, 2007

A decision made quietly at night

No fanfare, not excitement, just a decision made and a step taken.

Last night David was working on taxes and had a phone attached to his ear trying to get a hold of someone at the tax office to ask a question. It was getting late and I was already reading in bed waiting for him when David came in, phone still to his ear, and classical music playing loud enough that I could recognize the song, and he says “I think I’m going to send in an e-mail.”

“To accept?” I ask.

“Yeah.” David said.

“You sure?”

” Yeah.”


And that was it. The decision was made.

Weeks of stress and questions ended as simply as that. We still have questions, and there will still be stress, but at least we know where we are going. The decision has been made.

I did expect a bit of fanfare, or excitement. Maybe a shout of “Horray! We Area Going to Grad School!!” But no, it was a quiet decision, made by a tired man ready to take the next step.

So, we are going to Grad school.

“That is nice,” you say, “we already knew that. WHERE are you going?”

Ah, well, maybe we should let our parents know first.

In Christ


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