September 30, 2005


Just last week Ruby Addink and I went on a random trip to Montana to visit our friend Allison. What a great time!! We got to meet a lot of Allison’s friends, go to the market, see Allison teach her class of Freshman students, sit in one of her classes, go to some readings, got to church, etc. It was a full and fun weekend!!

It’s also the farthest west I have ever driven! I’ve been to the west coast once but flying isn’t quite the same as driving. To think I was just a few hours south of Alberta!!! Being a New Brunswick girl, Alberta feels worlds away! In reality, I’ve only ever been as far as Sarnia Ontario in Canada! Even Manitoba feels worlds away even though I’m just south of there now.

Seeing the mountains was exciting too. We are not certain, but we are pretty sure that the mountains didn’t have snow on them on the way into Montana, but on the way out, they definitely did! Maybe I missed the snow on the way in because I was sleeping???

Check out the photo’s under “life in 2005” I have few pictures of the trip there. Also, you can check out Allison’s blog, she also has some pictures up from the trip. It’s at

So, now that I am back, David starts a bit more of his own traveling during this month. And if you are wondering where he has been all these weeks and why he hasn’t written much for his web page, well, he has been busy responding to his friends blogs that he doesn’t have time for his own ;) I’ll get him to put up links to his friends blogs later :) Maybe we should ask permission first…?

I hope you are all doing well!!! Love you, In Christ Rita

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September 14, 2005

Busyness of life

Wow, David is right, I really need to write and give an update of my life too! It’s been a while! Oh, I should also tell David that my preview doesn’t work still, it has nothing to do with anyone else, but incase I forget to tell him in person, while I am here i should let him know ;)

Where has I been in the past month? Good question. I am sure a few weeks ago I had time to write, but the past two weeks if I did, I don’t remember :) This week in particular I’ve been busy getting ready for Story Hour at Covenant CRC here. I’m glad for the experiences I received in doing Little Lambs last year in Canada. (LL & SH are the 3-5 year old classes while their moms are in a bible study)

I’ve had the great experience of making my own Flannel board, that was fun ;) with fun people to use in telling stories :) I’m using my scanner a quite a bit on that one since I am not able to draw myself very well. That probably made no sense to anyone else but me, but that is ok, it just lets you know my state of mind ;)

Deep thoughts? Plenty but unorganized. Short run down on what I have been busy on? David and I went tenting in Omaha two weeks ago. I was busy before and after with it. Then a lot of my mind was consumed by preparing for Story hour.

Really Rita, there must be more than that! Oh yeah, I’m also starting to Volunteer at the nursing wing in the hospital. That should be a lot of fun. I had my first day this week. I hope to go again on Friday and maybe tomorrow even if I am up to it. I have a lot of writing to catch up on too. Letters, daily journal I’m behind in, devos, blogs. You know how it goes.

To think that just a few weeks ago I was bored out of my mind and praying for things to do! WEll, God answered my prayers. Yeah, even when I had time I didn’t write, why not? Don’t you ever get SO bored that you don’t want to do ANYTHING! that is what I had. I think I’m getting over it.

Oh yeah, we attended two weddings about three weeks ago and got to see Matt And Sabrina again!! That was SUPER exciting!!! Also a busy weekend. We were able to visit David’s parents for a few days too. I think that was more relaxing than the other trips we have taken this month.

I got to go swimming!!!!! For the first time this summer!! I don’t even have a picture to prove it! We found a lake close to Omaha that was good for swimming on our weekend away. It was worth it! I miss swimming every day like last summer in Canada. that is ok, Every part of life is different, this summer was spent mostly indoors learning how to keep myself occupied. I think it went well all in all.

I like the scrapbooking I’ve been doing. That has been fun. Do you have any comments on it? I would love to hear! (Rita’s Pages, check it out!)

I also heard some exciting news, Elizabeth, my sister, is visiting us next month!!! I’m super excited about that!!!

The other exciting news here, we added guppies to our gold fish aquarium! That has made things a bit more exciting for both them and us. :) They are great fun to watch!

Time to go wake David up! I hope you are doing well! Love in Christ Rita

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September 12, 2005

The Parable of the Sower

“When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one come sand snatches away what has been sown in his heart.” ~ Matthew 13:19

In regards to a post I wrote earlier, I recently (okay, it’s been almost two weeks—I haven’t had much time for blogging lately) ran across this passage in Matthew that really struck me. Christ is talking specifically about people who hear the Gospel, but don’t understand what they hear. Christ says that Satan himself “snatches away what has been sown in is heart.” How sad is that? People that don’t make a decision about Christianity based on Christ—but just never had the opportunity to understand what Christianity was all about.

Lord God, may You grant us Your words to bring Your news to those around us. Don’t let us be stumbling blocks to the Gospel. Amen.

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© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle