July 26, 2005
Hello everyone! In the past 3 weeks or more David and I have been busy with a few projects. Mine mostly consist of learning how to scrapbook on the computer (as you can see in the photo’s file) and learning to sew a bit. I hope to take pictures of my projects so you can see them too. They are very much Rita style! :) As to be expected!
David has been working on the web page so much that he hasn’t had time to even write for it! I can’t explain what he has changed as well as he can but a little of what I know I can share. You will notice there are “Table of Contents” under each of the Menu items. Some actually have something in the table of contents and some we are still working with. Also, notice the little jam jar by the address at the top of the page! pretty fun eh?! I’ll let David explain the rest.
Other than that, we have had a couple of visitors this past month. That has been nice! I am volunteering again at Family Crisis Center this week and I hope to go and visit at Bethany Christian Services tomorrow.
I have written out my testimony and hope to have it posted under the “Faith” menu when I get it typed up. Soon. Be looking for it! :)
We love you all and miss you very much!! Mom and Dad are at camp this week and I’m wishing I could be there too! But since I can’t, David and I are hoping for a mini vacation together next month or so.
Love, in Christ Rita
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© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle