July 09, 2005
Hi everyone! We just wanted to let you know that we have added another category of pictures to our “Photos” file. Lately I have been distracted with playing with some old photos and digital scrapbooking them. I guess in reality though it would be close to graphic design (is that what you call it?) I have the finished product posted on the “Two Peas in a Bucket” web site, but we’ve added them here too. Go to Photo’s and click on “Rita’s Pages.” Enjoy!
I also want to let you know of how you can see Elizabeth’s scrapbooking too, she is my sister. She does an awesome job and also has them posted on “Two Peas” (she is the one that got me started). Take a look at her public profile. She does a really good job and they are a lot of fun to look at too. If you wanted to see mine on the “Two Peas” page instead of here, you can take a look at my public profile, too!
So, now you know what I have been doing in my spare time, and sometimes even when my time is not too spare. :) Although I’m still not sure what to think of it, it has been an answer to prayer. Since I have been so restless lately being home alone all day without much structure, it has been nice to have something to occupy my mind and keep me busy. I like the work, but I am still working on design styles. I haven’t found something I like very well yet, but I did like what I did yesterday that was fun! :) Check it out!
The other thing I just started doing last week was typing out my old journals. Starting at number one. Oh how embarrassing it is to read them ! I was 13 when I started. I used to say that I wasn’t boy crazy, but that isn’t the truth!! Every entry had some mention of a boy, often more than one, and every entry the boy was different!!! Sigh, the truth comes out! My only comfort is that some day when I have 13 year olds in the house, hopefully I will remember that I was one too, even if they don’t make any sense.
I have also been doing some more sewing. I made a pair of red shorts with bright yellow pockets. They are very fun but i decided that I like longer shorts better. I hope to work on a new pair of spring/fall pants. I have one pair that I have been wearing for 4 or 5 years now, and they are very faded, but they are the most comfortable pair of pants I have. So I am trying to make another pair. when I get them done, I hope to take some pictures and maybe I’ll put them up too. I also bought some beautiful red fabric for the dress I have been talking about making for a long time but haven’t made yet. I think this fabric makes me more excited about making it than the other material I had. So that is exciting! And since it’s a summer dress, I should really get started on it before I can’t wear it anymore! :)
I hope you are all doing well too. Don’t forget you can leave comments if you like, we love to get them!!!
Love in Christ Rita
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