May 28, 2006

On Friendships

As some have astutely noted, it’s been a while since I (or Rita) have update our blog. Well, the wait is over. :-)

We’ve spent some time in recent weeks with friends that we’d not seen in quite some time. It was really a wonderful time, and prompted me to write a story on friendships. Let me know what you think.

Also, I realized (finally, perhaps) that many of my good friends—spread out almost around the globe—have blogs. I thought it would be fun to pull headlines from all their blogs into one place. If I missed someone—let me know! I’d love to add you on!

(Of course, I hereby reserve all control over who gets on and who doesn’t. It’s primarily an experiment to help old friends stay connected—and I’ll make the judgment as to which blogs fit. Give a holler if you don’t agree. :-) )

And, as if that wasn’t enough, we also have new photos online!


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© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle