September 22, 2004

Car “trouble”

HI all I hope you don’t mind me writing again. I wanted to let you all know that not so good news that David and I recieved on Monday and ask you to pray for us about it.

After spending all day monday trying to pack everything we don’t need in the next 3 weeks, and even putting it into the car to see if it will fit, we found out that our car is not allowed to come with us across the border. :( Mazda can not give it a letter of regestration because it doesn’t meat US safety codes or what not. THat is a bit of a damper.

God is good and ever faithful. We know we are going to make it ot the states before the month is out (Lord willing) or shortly there after.
As soon as we knew for sure that we couldn’t bring our car into the states I called my mechanic that I bought the car from and he is going to be looking for another one for us. It will take a while and will cost more than this one did, but it is an option at the moment. A few other things we are looking in to is renting a car either to take us all the way or to just take us to north of Minnisotia and possibly David’s parents could pick us up. Or we might just take as little as we can and go by bus or train. David’s parents do have a car that we could use for a while while we are getting settled.

I would like you to pray for God’s guidance. We knew we would need a new car some what soon as this on is getting on in years, but we were hoping it wouldn’t be until after David has a job and we won’t go into debt over it. We are not fully sure of what to do right now because it would be easy NOW to just buy a car and worry about the detals later, but that might not be best at the same time. Please pray that we know what to do. And if it comes to getting a new car, please pray that we can get the money for it one way or another. We can get a bit from this car, that will help and we have a few other small sources we could work from, but it really depends on what the mechanic can find and if it is worth it. Maybe we should just come by motorbike……
(wouldn’t that be a sight! :))

THank you for your thoughts and prayers and e-mails! It’s great to get so much encouragment from friends! We love you! In Christ Rita

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September 18, 2004


Hi HI everyone!! I just wanted to let you all know that, Lord willing, in 3 weeks David and I will be moving to the states! Horray! we have my interview in Montreal on October 13th. We hope to visit with my sisters in Ontario on the 14th and head to the states on the 15th. :) Thank you for your prayers so far and we greatly apprecate them as we pack to move and do a lot of driving.

We love you all! IN Christ Rita

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