Rita’s Scrapbooking Pages

David as a Newborn

What a precious picture of David! I love it! This is more of the “look” I am trying to get with digital scrapbooking. To really focus on one picture and only adding things that will draw attention to, or add to that picture and not take away. I think this turned out pretty well. This is also my first attempt to work on some type of border with pictures too.

David in Preschool (?)

I love this picture of David. And I am pretty pleased with they way the scrapping worked out. I was mostly experimenting with the edging. So I was pretty excited! Enjoy!

Lighthouse in Colour

I am very excited about this layout! How can I not be? All my favorite colours on one page! It looks simple, and I learned so much doing it. I am very proud of it! I hope you like it too!

Sing Praise!

What a fun time I had making this layout. Well, in reality, I was VERY frustrated for a long time. The fun part came when David and I sat down together and he taught me more about the program I am using. That was very encouraging. I think we had a lot of fun doing it together too :) What I learned: How to make a textured background How to use the mask wand How to give the text depth by giving it a slight shadow How to give the photo a “blended” look with the background. There is more I am sure. Enjoy! :)

Dinner with Opa

Well, the other day I was thinking and praying and writing and on the radio I heard someone saying “What is that in your hand?” Pause…. ” What is that in your hand? God asked this to Moses and he is asking us the same question” The voice went on to say something like, God wants to use what he has given us to make himself know in the world. Well, at the moment I had a pen in my hand. And almost everyday I can be found writing prayers to God. The other thing that I have been thinking about a LOT lately is this scrapbooking thing. I sort of feel like it’s a waste of time to do it on the computer, I mean, unless I print it out, it’s nice to look at but not like real scrapbooking, that is for sure. Then I thought about the last page I posted. “Sing Praise” one. I liked that I added scripture to it. I though, maybe I can do that with the rest of them too. Maybe I can use them as tools to witness to God’s goodness and grace. This picture was easy to think of next because it already had scripture to go with it. The rest of the story is that we were at a family reunion in the Netherlands and it was the first meal together. My sisters and Canadian cousins went and filled a table right away with the cousins they knew. For some reason I wanted to stretch myself a bit and I was debating where to sit. I thought mostly about joining my much younger cousins to get to know them. As I stood by the table looking unsure, Opa called me to him and asked me to sit by him. Wow! I felt special! To me, sitting with Opa is a privilage, there are a lot of people there besides me. I am so glad for this picture. It reminds me of how honoured I felt to be asked to sit by the head of the family. :) I felt the honour that Jesus talked about in this parable. Thank you for looking.

Card for Grammie

I thought I’d try to do something that i could print out and that someone else could enjoy too, other than just looking at it on the computer. This is my favorite picture of me and Grampie and Grammie. The card is addressed only to Grammie because Grampie died last summer. I was able to be in New Brunswick in the duration of his cancer relapse and death. I am glad for that. I miss Grammie a lot now though. I try to write often and tell her how I am doing. Thanks for looking.

Beautiful Feet

I love these pictures! Julia took the top one when we visited her at the end of our honeymoon. Her’s is the third food. The bottom picture is from my Aunt in Holland, she sent it too me. I like it a lot :) and had to add it. Enjoy :)


The third instalment of my Bible Verse ABC album. I still feel something is lacking, if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know! This is another great picture of David when he was younger. Enjoy!


I had a mind block for a while because I wasn’t listening to what my insides were telling me about what to do next. This is one of my favorite pictures, another that my sister took. I love the intimacy displayed between Skyler and his mommy! :) Aren’t they cute. I wasn’t sure what to do with the picture, this is what came out. David helped a quite a bit. It’s great to have a husband with great ideas ;) Thanks for looking ;)

Teacher page

I don’ t think I fully explained what the ABC album is. Well, incase you haven’t picked up on it yet, I am working on an album of ABC bible verses. I am hoping to eventually have a book of pages with a verse that focuses on a word starting with a letter of the alphabet, going from A-Z. Sorry, that might be kind of a DUH explaination, but I thought I’d give it anyways. This is obviously for the T page. Julia took this picture (as she has taken many of the pictures I have been using….) when mom visited her the first time in the DR. Acutally, Dad might have taken this picture, but mom sent it to me while I was at Drodt. Thanks for looking!

David and Jon

Taken at the Simonson family reunion. What a pair of goofballs! David picked out the font ;) if you want to know what Proverbs 17:17 is, you have to look it up ;) Jon, I’d love to hear your comments on that one ;)

Brothers ABC Layout 2

I thought I’d do another layout of David and Jon because I have a number of great pictures of the two of them! This one is from the wedding, if you can’t tell ;) This layout is the one that I’ll put in the ABC album probably instead of the last one. Thanks for looking, I hope you enjoy!


Wow, it’s been a while since I have done a page! I LOVE this picture! It wasn’t hard to think of a layout with a picture as nice as this one. I took it at the Omaha Zoo. After picking up the “Made in Minutes” Magazine from Scrapbooks etc. I had a couple more ideas of what to do too. I kind of like it, what do you think?

For This Reason

I really love this picture. It is fast becoming a favorite of mine. You can’t see the expression on David’s face very well but it my favorite part. The picture is taken just moments after our first kiss ever ;) And this moment was very brief that I am surprised it was captured on film! But I am glad! Julia did a great job with picture taking!


I very much love this picture. I think Annelie took it at our wedding. I also liked how mom has been slicing her photo’s on some of her layouts so I thought I’d try it too. It has been sitting half finished on my computer for about 3 or 4 months. I thought it was about time to finish it :) I’m quite excited about the results!!


A picture I took for a change! ;) This is the only picture we have of our time in Quebec when I had my immigration appointment in Montreal. This picture was taken at a rest stop some where along the way. I wish I did knew where. Weren’t the colours BEAUTIFUL! It was a fantastic drive! God really blessed us!

Isaiah 12 3

I know I’ve used this picture already, but that was in a digital scrapbooking page. I just bought a package of blue paper and a corner cutter and I really wanted to play with them! I love the results! ;) It’s even on my wall!

siblings christmas 2005

My wonderful sister Elizabeth bought me a fun goodie pack of scrapbooking supplies! She had a lot of patterned paper which I was very excited about, untill I realized that I don’t know how to use it yet! This is my first attempt and I’m quite excited about it!! :)


© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle