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Useful and interesting links and web search via the Google SafeSearch.
MinistryAnswers In Genesis, Institute for Creation Research, Creation Research Society, Center for Scientific CreationSites with information about creation research and science. Boundless WebzineFocus on the Family's college age webzine. Christian Answers NetworkAnswers to all sorts of questions on faith and other issues. Very useful. Christian MP3The one source for Christian mp3's on the web. Deliver Us From EvilExcellent reading. Derived primarily from Ravi Zaccharias' book and video series Deliver Us From Evil, about the new era of thinking in our society today. Engineering Ministries InternationalIf you are a Christian engineer, check this out! Focus on the FamilyA top-rate Christian ministry, home of Dr. James Dobson. Well worth a visit. The Gospel Communications Network, CrosswalkChristian portal sites - links to all sorts of useful information. A Home For The Seeking SpiritA well-balanced reference on the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. ICTAThe International Christian Technologists Association. Minnesota Family CouncilThe pro-family organization of Minnesota. Phil Johnson's Web siteAn incredible Christian resource. The Voice of the MartyrsA ministry aimed at helping persecuted and martyred Christians around the world. PersonalJon RandallThe web site of Jon Randall, one of my good high school friends. maurym.comThe homepage of Maury McCown. A favorite place of mine to visit! Pinwheels Are RoundThe site of Pinwheels are Round, formerly a local band from Minneapolis. My friend John Mahan (bassist/background vocalist for them before they broke up) describes them as "Sunday School ska." RAILhead DesignMaury McCown's graphic design business. Excellent work. SkwelchA band formed out of Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, my high school home SchoolHillcrest Lutheran AcademyMy high school, located in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The years I spent there were ones thouroughly enjoyed. Dordt CollegeMy college, in Sioux Center, Iowa. One year down, and things are going great so far! HomeFergus Falls, MinnesotaThe official Fergus Falls homepage. The Daily JournalMy hometown newspaper. What exactly is small-town Minnesota like, anyway? Math & ScienceCRC Concise Encyclopedia of MathematicsAn incredible mathematics resources for the curious or stumped. ConstructorOne exceptionally good way for mechanically-minded people to waste a lot of time. How Stuff Works!If you've ever wondered... ComputersApple Computer, Inc.My favorite computer maker. Period. Ars TechnicaVery useful and interesting technical information for all computer users. MacCentralMacintosh news updates around the clock. Mac OS Rumors, MacrumorsSpeculation and rumors in the Macintosh industry. The Web Design GroupExcellent online and downloadable references for HTML and CSS! VersionTrackerThe best and easiest way to find new and updated Macintosh software.