The Hjelle Jar Genealogy

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The Hjelle Jar

The family of David Alan Hjelle.

The Hjelle Jar Geneaology

Ole Eriksen Moen [Parents] was born in 1675. He married Olaug.

Olaug.Olaug married Ole Eriksen Moen.

They had the following children:

  M i Erik Olsen Orsund

Jon Halvorsen was born in 1656. He married Marit Andersen.

Marit Andersen [Parents].Marit married Jon Halvorsen.

They had the following children:

  M i Endre Jansen Romfo

Roy William Freese [Parents]

Elizabeth Sylvia Katherine Knutson [Parents]

Ernest Freese [Parents]

Mildred Beaird

They had the following children:

  M i Gary Freese
  F ii Karen Lisa Freese

Knut Thune was born on 5 Nov 1847 in Norway. He married Anna Hollen on 24 Nov 1883.

Anna Hollen was born in Norway. She married Knut Thune on 24 Nov 1883.

Drew Blake

Karen Lisa Freese [Parents]

They had the following children:

  M i Kevin Alan Blake
  F ii Lori Blake

Simon Raudi.Simon married Synneve.

Synneve.Synneve married Simon Raudi.

They had the following children:

  F i Bertha Raudi.
  F ii Olina Raudi.
  F iii Ingaborg Raudi.
  M iv Rasmus Raudi Simonson
  F v Ingabright Raudi.
  F vi Malina Raudi.
  F vii Anna Raudi.
  M viii Benedikt Raudi.

Ole Oleson Bodal.Ole married Anna Jacobson Loen.

Anna Jacobson Loen.Anna married Ole Oleson Bodal.

They had the following children:

  F i Helga Olson Bodal
  M ii Ole Bodal.
  F iii Kristy Bodal.
  F iv Anna Bodal.

Mons Rachie

Sophia Simonson [Parents].Sophia married Mons Rachie.

Peder H. Pederson

Anna Simonson [Parents].Anna married Peder H. Pederson.

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