ear Friend, Did you know that the route to forgiveness of sins and, ultimately, eternal life is not complex, but clear, concise, and yes, even simple? First is that all humans have done things wrong. We have done things that God hates, and His just punishment for those is going to a literal Hell, a place of eternal solitary confinement with nothing but pure torture; death forever. He simply cannot tolerate those who disobey what He commands. Even not doing something that we know is right is against God's perfect will, and therefore sin. (See James 4:17.) Even putting others down or otherwise mocking the people that God created on this Earth is sin. I know that I've done many, many things that were plain old wrong. Now God knows that none of us could live a life without making mistakes, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to cram His incredible power that created the world (See John 1:1-3.) into a human body, to submit Himself to imperfect parents (even though He Himself was perfect), and to finally be tortured beyond recognition (See Isaiah 52:13-15.) and to die on a Roman cross. Why in the world would anyone, especially an all-powerful Son of God, do that? As unfathomable as it is, He died to take our death sentence for us. He died because you and I hated our parents. He died because we lied to stay out of trouble. He died because you or I killed someone. He died because of all the ugly things we have done, and He wanted to take our punishment for us anyway. Now, God also loves us so much that He allows us to make our own choices. Whether we accept His gift of forgiveness of the things we've done wrong and avoiding Hell and going to Heaven is up to us. All we need to do to believe that He died for our sins, admit that we were wrong, be committed to stop sinning (with God's powerful help), and ask God to take control of our lives and clean us up. That's it. Only following these steps can turn your life around (like it has mine) and give you eternal life. Baptism, confirmation, church membership, etc. are insignificant in the eyes of God for salvation. Even believing everything I just said without allowing God to take total control of your life cannot earn you forgiveness. That is what I know is true and what the Bible (which is 100% true, the actual word of God) says is true. I just pray that you will accept God's amazing gift.